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Photo du rédacteurMarie-Christine F.


It was during confinement that we called on director Christo Roussev, because to compensate for the non-holding of trade shows, we wanted to have an institutional film made that would show our customers and suppliers who we are.


Christo arrived in Graulhet in Spring 2020. He was highly recommended to us by the production company Falabracks.

Christo Roussev tournage film
Christo Roussev

Christo describes himself as follows: “I was born in Bulgaria, and have lived in Paris since 2001. As a child, I felt a real fascination for the images and sounds in stories. Over time, as a filmmaker, a desire for abstraction was born. How do we show things from the most intimate and sincere point of view? Don't cheat and let the flow go to its own source. »

In particular, he has directed films for Chanel 19M, Maison Bonnet, and the glassblower Jeremy Maxwell Wintrebert.


The mission that we entrusted to Christo was to transcribe in images our world, but also the spirit in which we work, and the way we do things.

He absorbed the general atmosphere, spent hours in the workshop, shot hundreds of sequences, returned home to select and edit them.

We were struck by the result, and the acuity with which he was able to capture the essential.

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